
soap nuts and dryer balls

CARE BY ME Dryer Balls
SPECIAL PRICE! Reduce drying time and save energy. Non-toxic, energy-saving, odorless, hypoallergenic, gentle on delicate clothing, reduce static, soften fabrics. Handmade in Nepal.
SKU: 703
EAN: 5712511012261

MSRP:180.50 kr


Soap Berries, Dryer Balls and Casmere Combs are available in our warehouse to order with our other brands. All the other CARE BY ME products will be ordered separately from their warehouse in Denmark as we act as an agent for them. More info here

SPECIAL PRICE! 4 pcs packed in a lovely cotton bag. 

Dryer balls are crafted from triple felted pure wool, from the remnants left from the manufacturing process, so they also reduce manufacturing waste. They improve tumble drying as they work to soften your clothes, reduce drying time, static and wrinkling. 

HOW TO USE: Put 3-4 drying balls inside the dryer. You may leave them in between the washes, just leave the dryer door open. 

TIP: Place a drop of your favorite essential oil onto the dryer ball before drying. Your garments and home goods will all be infused with your favorite scent. Consider also the benefits of such things as Lavender essential oil for deterring insects!

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